An aromatic welcome to you
Thank you for visiting my website. I would love to assist you with your own personal healing. So now you may have arrived at a point where you have decided it is now time to address what has not been addressed due to your other priorities in your life.
Since you are here, please spend time to find out more about Holistic Aromatherapy, myself and my clinic.
Your healing project starts here.....
What is holistic aromatherapy treatment?
Holistic Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy by a qualified Holistic Aromatherapy Practitioner.
It utilizes the pharmacological, psycho-therapeutic and metaphysical properties of essential oils (Battaglia,2003).
The main purpose of the blend, is to heal and/or to please – the pleasant smells of the essential oils will influence the mind.The dominant aspect of this therapy is addressing the well-being of a client by applying therapeutic properties of essential oils, understanding the background of their illnesses and discomforts and maintain a professional relationship between client and therapist.
My typical way of working is to blend several essential oils to suit your needs and using the blend during massage or to advise you of different applications at home or at work. To assist you to select the right oils, I may draw aromatherapy cards for you to pick. This is fun!
Each session includes a 15 minute personal consultation about your health history, life style and your stress triggers. My Holistic Aromatherapy session involves a hands – on approach from the therapist to their client. It is a healing process, it is a healing art and it is your healing project.
I am passionate about teaching and hope to inspire you to understand the benefits of aromatherapy. So take your time to explore my website, to find out the treatments I offer.
Remember to always email me at [email protected] if you have specific questions or thinking about tailor made workshop or maybe to discuss about your business idea that related with spa, clinic or a private practice.
Have no time to read my website? See below...
Bookings via phone message or Whatsapp +6421781708
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Rina Poerwadi Holistic Aromatherapy
Instagram : rinapoerwadi
Consultations :
Personal Consultation 45 mins $ 50
Business Consultation 60 mins $ 150
Treatments *:
Holistic Aromatherapy Isolated Area Massage 45 mins $ 70
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 60 mins $ 80 - for Student $ 70
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 75 mins $ 90
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 90 mins $ 100
Specializes treatments:
Holistic Aromatherapy Pre- Natal Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Post – Natal Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Isolated Area Massage related to Post Natal issues.
Holistic Aromatherapy Pre – Menopause Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Massage for Menopausal Symptoms
Holistic Aromatherapy Post – Menopause Massage
* by appointment and female client only.
Workshops :
Essential Oils Workshop 3 hours
Minimum 5, maximum 15 people $ 75 - per person/3hours
Aromatherapy Massage Workshop 3 hours
Minimum 6, maximum 10 people $ 75 - per person/3hours
One on one aromatherapy massage workshop 3 hours
Minimum 1 person ( bring your own body model),
maximum 2 people $ 150/person or $200/for 2
Thank you for visiting my website. I would love to assist you with your own personal healing. So now you may have arrived at a point where you have decided it is now time to address what has not been addressed due to your other priorities in your life.
Since you are here, please spend time to find out more about Holistic Aromatherapy, myself and my clinic.
Your healing project starts here.....
What is holistic aromatherapy treatment?
Holistic Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy by a qualified Holistic Aromatherapy Practitioner.
It utilizes the pharmacological, psycho-therapeutic and metaphysical properties of essential oils (Battaglia,2003).
The main purpose of the blend, is to heal and/or to please – the pleasant smells of the essential oils will influence the mind.The dominant aspect of this therapy is addressing the well-being of a client by applying therapeutic properties of essential oils, understanding the background of their illnesses and discomforts and maintain a professional relationship between client and therapist.
My typical way of working is to blend several essential oils to suit your needs and using the blend during massage or to advise you of different applications at home or at work. To assist you to select the right oils, I may draw aromatherapy cards for you to pick. This is fun!
Each session includes a 15 minute personal consultation about your health history, life style and your stress triggers. My Holistic Aromatherapy session involves a hands – on approach from the therapist to their client. It is a healing process, it is a healing art and it is your healing project.
I am passionate about teaching and hope to inspire you to understand the benefits of aromatherapy. So take your time to explore my website, to find out the treatments I offer.
Remember to always email me at [email protected] if you have specific questions or thinking about tailor made workshop or maybe to discuss about your business idea that related with spa, clinic or a private practice.
Have no time to read my website? See below...
Bookings via phone message or Whatsapp +6421781708
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Rina Poerwadi Holistic Aromatherapy
Instagram : rinapoerwadi
Consultations :
Personal Consultation 45 mins $ 50
Business Consultation 60 mins $ 150
Treatments *:
Holistic Aromatherapy Isolated Area Massage 45 mins $ 70
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 60 mins $ 80 - for Student $ 70
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 75 mins $ 90
Holistic Aromatherapy Body Massage 90 mins $ 100
Specializes treatments:
Holistic Aromatherapy Pre- Natal Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Post – Natal Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Isolated Area Massage related to Post Natal issues.
Holistic Aromatherapy Pre – Menopause Massage
Holistic Aromatherapy Massage for Menopausal Symptoms
Holistic Aromatherapy Post – Menopause Massage
* by appointment and female client only.
Workshops :
Essential Oils Workshop 3 hours
Minimum 5, maximum 15 people $ 75 - per person/3hours
Aromatherapy Massage Workshop 3 hours
Minimum 6, maximum 10 people $ 75 - per person/3hours
One on one aromatherapy massage workshop 3 hours
Minimum 1 person ( bring your own body model),
maximum 2 people $ 150/person or $200/for 2